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5 Steps Guide on Amazon FBA for Beginners

We are going to explain to you the 5 Steps Guide on Amazon FBA for Beginners.

Prior to participating, it's crucial to realize that this is a legitimate business and NOT a get-rich-quick gimmick. You MUST have the patience and commitment to see your vision through to completion.

Step 1: The first thing you want to do is find your niche or product that you can start selling on Amazon.

Private labeling is the best route for beginners to begin their Amazon business.

Private labeling is basically just finding your product that’s is already profitable and selling. The only difference is you are putting your own label or packaging on the product.

What this really means is you are not reinventing the wheel. You don’t have to create something new.

This process makes it less risky, very fast and easy to get started selling on Amazon.

So how do you find niches and products to sell on Amazon? Amazon best-selling products list. You will be able to see Amazon top 100 products that are selling in each category.

Step 2: Find and Contact a Supplier to Private Label Your Product

After you have done your research and decided on a product, the next step is finding a manufacturer or supplier that can private label your product.

You can either search on Google for a good USA supplier or go international with suppliers such as Alibaba.

Your goal is to see who’s already making the product, how is the quality of the product and how is it being priced. You should also have them send you samples of the products so you can see the quality first hand and determine if it’s good enough to sell on Amazon.

A great website we can recommend is Alibaba. You can find an affordable or inexpensive product but still good quality.

"If I believe in something, I sell it"- Unknown

Step 3: Get Your Logo, Product Labeling, and Graphics

Ok, the next step is to create your product labeling. Once you have the packaging or label finish. You should send that to your supplier.

You can use Fiverr, Upwork or 99 Designs to create a logo and brand name. You want to create a logo that represents your brand.

Once you have your logo design, send them over to your supplier to complete your order.

Step 4: Create a Compelling Product Listing & Ship Your Inventory to Amazon Fulfillment Center

After everything is paid off with the suppliers, a product is packaged, labeled and set to go. You should start selling in the USA first; at the moment this is the biggest market for Amazon.

You can set up your Amazon Seller Central account

Step 5: Make Your First Sale On Amazon

After your listing is up and the inventory has been received, the product is ready for sale. In any business, the first sale is usually the hardest to make. But if everything is set up correctly then your product will start selling in a matter of time.

But as we explained earlier, we haven’t started an Amazon FBA business and we are not going to claim to. We leave the training to the experts below…

To sum up, here are the 5 steps guides on Amazon FBA for beginners that will help your financial goals.

-Melissa Diamond

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